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Static Current Electricity Quiz
When an atom loses an electron ,it has more protons then electrons ,it is called a
A) Anion
B) Element
C) Unlucky
D) Cation
Like charges .........each other
A) Attract
B) Conduct
C) Repel
D) I don't know
Which of the following is not an example of static electricity ?
A) A balloon sticking to the wall
B) A shock from sliding down a slide
C) Lightning
D) Turning on the lights in your house
Generally atoms have equal number of electrons and...........,that is why atoms are neutral
A) Neutrons
B) Charges
C) Protons
D) I don't know
Which of the following is not a kind of electricity
A) Static
B) Current
C) Conduction
D) I don't know
Sometimes Electrons are ..........held in outer shells of atoms ,so they can jump to other atoms.
A) Tightly
B) Not
C) Loosely
D) I don't know
Clothes often stick together because of
A) Magnetism
B) Current Electricity
C) Static Electricity
D) I don't know
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